Are you going to order a serum lactate?

The A&E orders the most serum lactate tests in our hospital. Most of it are probably justified as we are the first point of contact for patients with sepsis and trauma in the hospital. However, there are occasions when that order for serum lactate is actually puzzling and one wonders how that impacts diagnosis or management.
To use the test efficiently, I suppose we all need to understand lactate physiology at a deeper level, and the current controversy surrounding it.
Here, folks at St. Emlyn’s have done up a good post on lactate physiology. It is recommended read. Click here: Lactate = LactHATE
Those who want to read a proper journal article on this subject should read Daniel de Bakker’s writing here. (Free access)
Those who just want a quick update can refer to St. Emlyn’s infographic here:

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